Sunday, January 29, 2006


(again, I'm experimenting...thoughts are appreciated)

Blessed art thou, for thou knowst not what thou creates. Seven days and thou brushes thine hands-ist off-ist and leave-ist thine children with only questions.

Why do we have that “hangy-ball” in the back of our throats? How do we know when to accept and when to question? What is the dewey decimal for life’s manual?

When do I accept it on faith? Where is it made clear? Who can identify truth and grant deliverance? Who’s your daddy?

Forty years, a fortnight and an eternity. Scroll to scroll, cover to cover, palm to palm and cheek to cheek. God bless us, someone.


At 7:46 PM, Blogger Kara Alison said...

Thanks Jason. I have to say, I'm on the fence with this one, but I'm trying to improve, so I have to just put it all out there.

I think this was partially inspired by hanging out in downtown and taking in a few beers...

At 8:00 PM, Blogger Michele said...

""Why do we have that “hangy-ball” in the back of our throats? ""

Uvula, something to play with when you're bored

How do we know when to accept and when to question?
When you don't know, don't accept and question
What is the dewey decimal for life’s manual? ".com"

When do I accept it on faith?
Sometimes there's no other says Sherluck Holmes.
Where is it made clear? Saran Wrap
Who can identify truth and grant deliverance?
Howard Stern
Who’s your daddy?
Same as my daddy,,, thank goodness.

I realize that you wanted serious feed back...but I'm not in a serious mood. I just couldn't do it.
At least you had a "few beers" as a reason for the indepth interview questions.
I have nothing except PMS with no chocolate in the house..does that count???

At 8:38 PM, Blogger Kara Alison said...

OK, so I was going to explain that the original title for this was "Atheist's Prayer," but I changed it because I wanted this to be vague enough to allow interpretation.

Michele, you have made me so glad that I made this change.

Your reason for opting for the humorous interpretation is more than adequate. Believe me, I know how you feel! (thanks!)

At 4:12 PM, Blogger Michele said...

Gee, does this mean that I got you to smile???

If so..
that makes MY day!!
(I also bought some chocolate today..**high five!**)

At 8:36 AM, Blogger Kara Alison said...

You definitely made me smile. Thanks!

Oh, I had my first Cadbury's Creme Egg good...

At 6:50 PM, Blogger Michele said...

Chocolate! You had Chocolate!!!
And a Cadbury.

You have good taste.
And a happy uvula *wink*


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