Monday, December 19, 2005

Panic at Midnight

In the middle of the night, she woke. She looked around, still groggy from her heavy slumber. As consciousness crept in, her mind began to whirl. Where was she? How had she gotten there? What was she doing sleeping in unfamiliar surroundings?

She felt her arms and legs. There were no ropes or chains holding her. Her hands flew to her face. She felt no bumps or bruises. Nothing to indicate any struggle. Why couldn't she remember anything? Had she been drugged?

She was laying on her stomach. She slowly began to turn over. Inch by inch, so as to not make any noise. But wait! She felt something else in the bed with her. Something warm, something solid, something was alive!

As her eyes began to adjust to the darkness, she began to make out shapes. A large rectangle across the room, illuminated around the edges...a window. Other dark shapes indicated furniture of some sort. At least she hoped it was furniture. She slowly continued her turn and dared to rotate her head towards the thing that lay with her. In the darkness, two glowing specs peered back at her. Whatever it was, it was also awake.

Her heart pounded and she struggled to control her breathing. We'd have no hyperventilation now. Was there a lamp? Why was she suddenly sure that there was? Her hand flew to the bedside table that she was equally sure existed and just like that, click! Light filled her room and her eyes.

All she could do was laugh. She immediately recognized the formerly unfamiliar surroundings. Her sweet puppy had nestled beside her during the night. Wasn't it lovely to be home for the holidays?


At 11:22 AM, Blogger MacDuff said...

I thought as I read this that you were accounting for the missing 11 days since you last posted!

At 10:04 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

kara- Cute story. Thanks :)

At 1:37 PM, Blogger Kara Alison said...

I've been in the middle of finals, travel (it seems like 20 cities over the past 5 days)...the blog was therefore neglected. Isn't it nice to have been missed!

Thanks Jeff...I thought I'd go for something a little different from my usual.

At 3:37 PM, Blogger Kara Alison said...

Finals were great (if that's possible). I'm glad they're done though!


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