Monday, September 12, 2005

The psychology of a heartless bitch

How do I feel about Katrina?

Do I care? Of course, but I'm just not that upset. What kind of ass doesn't care that thousands of people have died and are currently dying? A psychologist friend told me that this is normal. Apparently there are two kinds of people:

1. Those who are vulnerable to anxiety
2. Those who are not

It turns out that I'm not. The thought process goes a little something like this:

Event occurs. Person observes event and experiences emotional reaction. Person then responds to emotion with attempt at action (action is intended to right the situation). In the case where person finds that no action will have a real impact, person then resolves to accept the situation and move on.

In contrast, the person who is vulnerable would diverge at the point where he/she finds that no action can help. this person would be distraught and wracked by guilt.

The common perception is that person number one (our heartless bitch) is without sensitivity or compassion and is therefore a selfish person. The reality though is that both people are equally compassionate. The first person will only expend efforts where those efforts will actually reap a benefit for the victim. The person posessing said vulnerability would expend efforts regardless of result. One might argue that more efficient efforts will be made if one is selective with one's efforts. In addition, more resources (time, money, strength of will) are available with which to help. Imagine a person has $100. She can help 50 people for $2 a pop or she can help 2 people for $50 a pop. Which of these contributions will make a difference? By being selective and rational, resources will become more abundant. Now our rational person has achieved the ability to help out more often and with more impact.

Rational does not mean without heart. Rational is the controlled response to one's heart which resuilts in positive contributions. What help can one give if she is a pile of nerves?


At 8:38 PM, Blogger SuperBee said...

Hi. I love you.

When did you start writing so crisply? And I feel you on everything you say.



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